Friday, April 12, 2019

Another tv workout!!!!

Hey everyone!!! I’m back!!!! I wanted to bring you a reason to still get your need to see each episode of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina as well as getting your workout in. Everyone thinks you can magically lose weight... got to get up and move! Enjoy y’all! Let me know how you love it!
P.s Sign up with my blog and receive a free 30 day workout challenge! Love ya!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Knock out this challenge!!!


Hello my loveies!!! 
Today I wanted to share with you my personal butt workout that I use. I have turned this workout into a challenge this way the work out will start out slow and increase throughout the month. The increase is what you need to build up the muscle and by the end of the 30 days you have those boys turning their heads. Sign up with your email and receive a FREE 30 DAY BUTT WORKOUT!! This workout won't be free for long! 😜 Hope  you all will enjoy this challenge as much as I did. Get Girls!!!!

Monday, July 30, 2018

Orange is the new black workout!!

This full body workout is perfect for the new season 6 of Orange is the new Black. Enjoy your workout during each episode. Keep your bottle of water next to you because it will get hott!!! 
Hope ya'll enjoy and get fit!!!  


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Tips for the Forth of July!!!

Afternoon my lovelies!!!!

Please for give me for I was late today on my post.
Here is my to-do list for today!!!!

Fourth of july is tomorrow!!! Who's excited for the food and the fireworks???
I am!!! But of course with fireworks there are dangers. I got some great tips for kids. Tips for dogs that help ease their fear of the noise. And also some great tips for food!!!


  1. Kids love sparklers but if not handled carefully they can be dangerous. Always have that talk with little ones that yes these are pretty but they are hot!!!! My tip for the little ones holding holding sparklers, is to take a plastic cup that they can put their hand in and poke a small hole at the bottom of the cup. This way you can stick the end of the sparkler in the hole from the bottom and the child can put there hand in the cup and hold the sparkler while their hand is protected from getting any burns from the sparks of the sparkler.
  2. For the firecrackers let the adults lit them. Sometimes the kids don't get distance from the firecracker fast enough.
  3. Quit the challenges. Don't accept challenges you never know the out come!! Don't hold the firecracker in your while it blows up because it will blow up your hand as well.
  4. Keep a fire extinguisher or a bucket of water near by in case there happen to be flames somewhere. 
  5. Don't buy fireworks from craigslist. Always buy from someone who has been inspected and certified to sell fireworks.(usually are selling in the big tents)


  1. What ever you do while fireworks are going off never leave your dog outside in the back yard. Most dogs are known for running away due to the fireworks.
  2. Make sure your dogs microchip and tags are up to date and take a current picture just in case your pet does flee the house.
  3. Give them a new treat, like a new bone. This way they are distracted while the fireworks are going off.
  4. Leave the television on at a good volume. This way it can fade out the noise of the fireworks.


  1. My personal tip for food on the fourth is to always have blueberries and strawberries on hand. This way you can make or buy almost any dessert such as vanilla pudding, a plain cheese cake or a plain vanilla cake and just top it off with your mix of blueberries and strawberries.
  2. Another easy dessert would be to make firecracker jello cups! What you will need are short clear cups, a box of blue raspberry jello, a box of cherry jello, whip cream, and Twizzlers. Make the cherry jello and put in the cups to sit and chill in the refrigerator. When the jello is ready go ahead a make the blue raspberry jello and place the mix in the cup on top of the cherry jello. Place in refrigerator til everything is all set. When all cups are ready to eat put whip cream on top. Then cut the Twizzlers in half and stick in the middle of the cup. This way it looks like a red white and blue firecracker. yummy!!! you can add fruit as well if you wish
These are my tips I have for the holiday!! I wish everyone to have fun and stay safe!!! Please don't forget to join the fam and subscribe to by blog I would really appreciate it!
Love ya'll!!!

Monday, July 2, 2018

My Travel bucket list!!!

Rise and shine my lovelies!!! I hope everyone is having a good morning! 

Now here we go. Got your tea or coffee? I got my morning tea. Let's get into today's to-do list to keep that focus today.

Today's TO-DO List 

  • Make tea 
  • Make that bed! 
  • Study 
  • Write 
  • Workout 
  • Basic Cleaning 
  • Read  
  • Look for a book to start next Monday! 

Today I woke up thinking about places I really would love to visit, considering I've been here in the states. Can't go through life and not do some traveling, you know, explore a bit. I wanted to show you guys my travel bucket list for today! 

My #1 Place 
Eskişehir, Turkey 
The reason I am making Eskisehir my number 1 place I want to go is because I personally have family there that I miss so much! But, besides that they also have Disney land!!! Boat rides down the river, amazing food and some of the most beautiful buildings as well. 

Photo by: 
#2 Santorini, Greece 
Me and the hubby has talked about going here for a year now. We know when we go it will be a real beautiful adventure that we would love to experience together. Just to see the sunrise and sunset there will be breath taking. 

Photo by: 
#3 Aruba 
Just the view is amazing. The girls would just get a kick out of seeing the flamingoes on beach and have fun swimming. 

Photos by: 
#4 Paris 
I always had love for Paris and want to see the Eiffel tower. Also, to feel that love in the air. Such a special experience to have looking out to the Eiffel tower wrapped up in the arms of your other half. 
Photo by:

#5 Cairo, Egypt 
All my life I always wanted to see the pyramids for the history that they hold. Just to see something that was built thousands of years ago is definitely on my bucket list. 

That’s my travel bucket list!!! Let me know fam, what is your #1 place you want to visit in the world? Leave you answer in the comments below. I can't wait to read them. Also, if you have a favorite book leave that in the comments below as well!!! And Please don’t forget to subscribe to my blog to let you know when my blog is up!! I appreciate every one of you who subscribe. Wish ya'll a happy day and great health!!! See ya tomorrow!!! 

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Good Morning lovelies!!! Time to rise and shine!!!

Got your tea or coffee??? I got my coffee. 
As a mother it's so rough to start the day without a little bit of caffeine. I wonder what is going through our kids head when they see us in the morning looking like zombies!  
Now I personally can't get through my day without putting together a to-do list. I easily get distracted or lazy so the list keeps me going! Plus, when I finish my list I feel like I have accomplished my day and didn't just sit and waste time. So, let's get to today's to-do list!!! 
  • Make coffee  
  • Make bed (always start your day with making your bed because if you can succeed at making your bed what can you accomplish) 
  • Study a foreign language (currently learning Arabic 
  • Do some writing 
  • Basic cleaning (vacuumwiping down all surfaces (I can't stand dust), and washing dishes) 
  • Read
That is my typical day as a stay at home mom and when I stay in. Currently it is way too hot out to go outside so we are staying home and chilling lol.  
So, today's breakfast I made a tomato sauce with eggs over easy!!! Soo good, I highly recommend this breakfast. Especially with bread. 
  • 2 fresh tomatoes (diced) 
  • Half of an onion (diced) 
  • 1 tsp. of minced garlic 
  • tbsp. of tomato paste 
  • ¾ cup of water 
  • 3 eggs 
  • tbsp. of olive oil 
  • ¼ tsp of salt 
  • ¼ tsp of black pepper 
  • Fresh parsley for garish 
  1. Place pan on stove with medium-high heat. Add the olive oil to the pan. Add the onions and garlic. Let the onions and garlic cook down until you see they have color.  
  2. Next add the tomatoes. Let cook for about 3-5 minutes 
  3. Add the tomato paste. Make sure you cook the tomato paste until you see it has changed in color. Cooking the tomato paste down really gives the sauce a great flavor. 
  4. Add salt and black pepper 
  5. When you see the tomato paste is cooked add the water. Stir until the tomato paste has dissolved into the water. 
  6. Leave on medium-low heat with lid on pan for about 5 minutes or until the sauce has thickened 
  7. With your spoon or spetula make 3 holes in the sauce, this is where you will place each egg. Once you have placed your eggs in the pan have your heat on low and cook the eggs til they have set. (no lid on pan) 
  8. When the eggs are done, top it off with some fresh parsley.  
  9. Place your eggs on a plate and enjoy!! 
Here are my pictures from making my eggs in tomato sauce. In the comments let me know if you tried out this recipe and how you liked it. Do be shy to show pics!!  
 I am still currently debating on what book to read this week, I still want to hear from all of ya'll what kind of books are your favorite? Well I am going to end it here lovelies. I wish you guys a great day, rain or shine and great health. And to all the moms out there hang in there, I know it gets rough sometimes but we can do it! If you want to keep posted with my blog and join the family, please hit that subscribe button in the upper right hand corner! See ya tomorrow lovelies!! 

Another tv workout!!!!

Hey everyone!!! I’m back!!!! I wanted to bring you a reason to still get your need to see each episode of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina...